Sunday, November 2, 2008

Carpe Diem!

Do you remember the scene from Dead Poets Society where Mr. Keating (Robin Williams) brings his students into the hall of trophys and accomplishments of students from the past? He told them to listen to the voices . . . "seize the day, boys; make your lives extraordinary!" The message was to not settle for the way things are - to go out and make things happen.

We are faced with a time of uncertainty and challenge. This is also a time of incredible opportunity for those who seize it. More Millionaires were made during and immediately following the Great Depression than any other time in history. Those who don't listen to the negativity, keep their focus, and work hard at the basics . . . come out way ahead when things turn.

One simple way to make a huge impact on your business is by participating in Power Hour. One hour of calls every day for the purpose of Lead Generating. Are you spending at least one hour every day generating leads?? Where will your business come from if you're not? Are you following a plan to reach your goals . . . or wishing upon a star for that next deal to fall in your lap?
CARPE DIEM! Seize the day . . . make your life extraordinary!!

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