Monday, December 8, 2008

Do you sense Victory ... or impending Defeat?

Today in our GO F.A.R. real estate training program, we discussed John Maxwell 's, "Becoming a Person of Influence," which describes the effects of mindset on our actions.
Think about a time when you have encountered someone who clearly felt defeated; someone who had given in to what they felt was their inevitable doom.
Now contrast that with an image of someone who was certain victory was in their grasp . . . only moments away. A good example is the image of two opposing benches in the final minutes of a football game when the outcome seems clear.
Maxwell shares with us an experiment that reveals a rat in a jar of water - kept in total darkness - will only attempt to swim for a maximum of 3 minutes before allowing itself to drown. In contrast, a rat in the same jar - with a ray of light shining on it - will swim for up to 36 hours!
Fortunately, we are not in a jar with our fate looming over us. But we ARE faced with difficult times, where the temptation to feel defeated is great. Don't give up!
For those who do the right things consistently, and do not give up - YOUR VICTORY IS SURE!
You should be like the players on the winning team - with a big grin on your face, preparing to douse the coach with a cooler full of water! Go take action - and practice your end-zone dance in the mirror!
Not sure what to do? Contact me for more information on our GO F.A.R. Program!

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Dream Manager

In his book, The Dream Manager, Matthew Kelly gives us 12 categories as suggestions for contemplating our dreams. These include Physical, Emotional, Spiritual, Material, Financial, Legacy and others.

If we don't take the time to think about, and write down in detail, our dreams - too often we find that life has a way of moving us along on its own path. We look back and realize we are not where, or who, we want to be.

Zig Ziglar asks if you are a "Purposeful person, or a Wandering generality?" Unless we focus on our dreams and keep them constantly in front of us, we risk dealing with a lot of regrets.

Today, in our Pre-Power Hour warm-up, our Keller Williams Select Realtors Ellicott City group wrote down our dreams as an incentive to do our Daily Lead Generation - even when we would rather procrastinate. These dreams are our "Big Why."

We followed up with Napoleon Hill's "28 Questions You Should Answer" from "Think and Grow Rich." Taking inventory of our actual level of success to date in reaching our goals is critical. Having accountability partners to keep us "honest" is a big help too!

Monday, November 17, 2008



Today kicked off the newest program offered by Keller Williams Select Realtors to our Associates - GO F.A.R.

Designed to be focused on taking appropriate action and getting quick results, we will create and implement the MREA four models of a succesful real estate business: Economic, Organizational, Lead Generation, Budget.
Tired of theory, or the same old information that you "know" but can't seem to get traction?? Buckle up and get ready to GO F.A.R.
Email me for more information. All local REALTORS welcome!
Price of admission is your COMMITMENT!! :)

Friday, November 7, 2008


Lead Generation. Do those words give you the sensation of biting on aluminum foil? For Realtors, Lead Generation is what keeps our business alive . . . and what we dread most.

Did you know that Lead Generation doesn't have to mean cold calls. Did you know that there are over 16 proven tactics to successfully make your phone ring?

There are documented "best practices" from more than two decades of research which outline the sure-fire methods to develop strong relationships and keep mind share with your Sphere Of Influence.

If you are "winging it" without a proven model to follow - STOP!

Join us for our weekly, one-hour Lead Generation classes every Tuesday, from 1:30 to 2:30 in the Select Realtors University Training Room, Ellicott City. This is a workshop-style, hands-on adventure into taking your business where you know it can go, but just don't know how to get there!

See you on Tuesday!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Carpe Diem!

Do you remember the scene from Dead Poets Society where Mr. Keating (Robin Williams) brings his students into the hall of trophys and accomplishments of students from the past? He told them to listen to the voices . . . "seize the day, boys; make your lives extraordinary!" The message was to not settle for the way things are - to go out and make things happen.

We are faced with a time of uncertainty and challenge. This is also a time of incredible opportunity for those who seize it. More Millionaires were made during and immediately following the Great Depression than any other time in history. Those who don't listen to the negativity, keep their focus, and work hard at the basics . . . come out way ahead when things turn.

One simple way to make a huge impact on your business is by participating in Power Hour. One hour of calls every day for the purpose of Lead Generating. Are you spending at least one hour every day generating leads?? Where will your business come from if you're not? Are you following a plan to reach your goals . . . or wishing upon a star for that next deal to fall in your lap?
CARPE DIEM! Seize the day . . . make your life extraordinary!!

Burn The Ships

Burn The Ships!

When Spanish Conquistador Hernando Cortez landed in Mexico, one of his first orders to his men was to burn the ships. Cortez was committed to his mission and did not want to allow himself or his men the option of going back to Spain.
Success is often about commitment; not leaving an escape route; jumping in with both feet and not allowing failure to be an option.
Once you are truly committed, in your head and in your heart, then you will take appropriate action to reach your goals. You will experience setbacks along the way. You will make mistakes. Believe that you will achieve your goals and never give up. Thomas Edison failed 10,000 times before inventing the lightbulb. Abraham Lincoln was defeated dozens of times before becoming President.
This blog is about mindset, best practices and creative ideas. Get your head screwed on straight, take appropriate action, find the motivated and keep going, and going, and going!