There is, and it looks like this:
1. Mental Decision: I want to get fired up!
2. Emotional Energy: This business will help me achieve my dreams!
3. Purposeful Determination: These tasks will get the results I need!
4. Strategic Execution: Use time-blocking to focus on the most critical actions!
5. Celebrate Often: Set mini-milestones and focus on positive results!
As with all change, going from 'burned out' to 'fired up' starts with a mental decision. You must decide that you want to get fired up. No . . . really want it! Game face, eye of the tiger, Facing the Giants kind of want it!
Okay, now that you're committed to overcoming that limp, dishrag feeling . . . the next step is to increase your positive emaotional energy by bringing yourself back to the beginning. By 'beginning' I mean "what started you on this path in the first place?" What was your motivation? What were those big dreams? At some point you were so excited that you could hardly sleep at night with all those thoughts swimming in your head; thoughts of success!
The best method that I know to keep yourself focused on those goals and dreams is to keep a "Dream Book." A Dream Book is a visual reminder of the life your business is supposed to fund. After all, we work to live - not live to work - right? So what does that future-self life look like? Do you picture those material possessions you have always gone without? Would you support family members in need? Is it a quality of life for your children and spouse? Perhaps you are giving back through philanthropy or even missionary work?
What would you do with your time if money was no object?

By keeping a Dream Book (a scrapbook of images - specific as possible - of what you want to accomplish) you are reminded of why you get up every day, even when the covers seem so heavy, warm and inviting. It stops being about the mundane task at hand, and about the step you are taking to get closer to your dreams.
If you just pump yourself up and then jump into the same pool of a billion tasks, it's like cutting down a redwood with a plastic spoon . . . at some point the enthusiasm will wear off and you don't seem any closer to your goal. The key is to be purposeful in your action. Knowledge without action is useless, but action without knowledge is reckless! You need to understand your business goals and become a student of your industry. Study best practices of those who have already succeeded in your industry. You will see a pattern of purposeful actions - and you'll also find that, while each talent added their own flavor to the method, they often learned through trial and error that certain tasks are more likely to get the desired results than others.
Take a look at that laundry list of tasks and determine which ones are most critical, which ones will result in more business, more referrals, and move you closer to your goals. Forget checking off the list - where the temptation is to do the quick and easy tasks forst to 'get them out of the way.' Prioritize your tasks and tackle them from greatest anticipated results to least. You will probably need to cross half of the items off the list entirely!

Once you have determined your top priorities, it's time to put them into a schedule for execution (here's where 80% of people get lost). This method is called Time Blocking, and ensures that your time is not swallowed up by the insignificant-yet-seemingly-urgent non-productive tasks. Take a generic weekly calendar - begin by filling in your personal priorities (prayer/meditation time, family time, work-out time, etc). Next, fill in the week with blocked sets of time for your critical categories (lead generation, networking, follow up, preparation, education, etc). Once your categories are set and blocked, you can fill these in on a weekly basis with specific actions for each category. No more bouncing around from task to task as you remember them (called the "tyranny of the urgent"). You can relax, knowing that you have time blocked off to complete that task.
Once your focus has shifted to completing the tasks that get you results . . . you get results!! Party time! Seriously - reward yourself for achieving results. If your focus is constantly only on the long-term, big picture goal, you will be achieving many little 'mini-victories' along the way without feeling a sense of accomplishment because you haven't finished the big task yet. Celebrating each milestone reminds you that you are making forward progress, and you are one step closer to those big dreams in your Dream Book!
Okay . . . game faces everyone! You are a Dream achiever! Seize the day . . . make your life extraordinary!!
What gets YOU fired up???