Wednesday, January 28, 2009

. . . just a little bit more

Hey, guess what?? Times are tough out there. Have you noticed?

I have good news and bad news for you . . . which do you want first?

Okay, you need some good news. The good news is that you CAN be successful in this market. Agents are proving that as we speak (read?). You can even be wildly successful!

The bad news?? Well . . . it's going to take some work. Hard work.

Perhaps you have seen the film/book about 212 degrees? It's that one degree that makes the difference between water and steam. It's a great parallel to what creates the difference between those that will make it and those that will fail in this market.

So set your jaw, put your game face on, check your mindset and just generally get ready. You're going to have to prospect just a little bit more; follow up just a little bit more, provide stellar service just a little bit more; think outside the box just a little bit more; study the market just a little bit more; and make it happen just a little bit more.

It's not complicated - but it is hard. It will get easier . . . but probably not for a while.

Are you willing to work hard (at the right things) just a little bit more??
Think about your dreams and goals . . . are they worth it?

You CAN do it - we can help. The tools and information are waiting for you...
See you at the top!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Purposeful Success in 2009

2008 is now only another year in history. For many, it is good riddance! For some, 2009 is a scary unknown. "Johnny, show them what's behing door number three!"
Now is the time that many reflect on the previous year and wonder why it seemed to be another year of "getting by." We think of the fun events, the trials, the changes and wonder what will happen this year.
And yet, some have already started down their path toward reaching their 2009 goals. Their goals are well thought out, written down, and planned for implementation. They KNOW what will happen this year!
It's not too late! No goals? No plan?? If you start NOW, you can still make this new year one of purposeful success! Contemplate your dreams . . . where do you want to be in twelve months?
Need help goal setting? I can help!
Make it a great year!!